Rock To The Future is an after-school program providing free music programs to underserved Philadelphia youth in public schools. This project is a complete rebrand of the organization.
This project is a lobby display made with layered acrylic and aluminum, designed to reflect the company’s history and focus on fire sprinkler systems. The layers add depth, and the combination of materials provides a clean and professional appearance.
* This project was completed during my tenure at Allegra Marmora.
This project features a stunning alumni recognition wall designed to honor distinguished graduates of Atlantic Cape Community College. The installation is crafted from high-quality acrylic panels, providing a sleek and modern aesthetic. The design allows new alumni to be added as needed. The graphics are meticulously applied to the second surface, creating a sense of depth and dimension while protecting the artwork from wear and tear.
*This project was completed during my tenure with Allegra Marmora.
This project features a custom vehicle lettering design paired with a perforated rear window graphic. The client provided an existing logo, which we preserved as the focal point while expanding the design to ensure a cohesive and eye-catching presentation across the entire vehicle. The lettering and graphics were tailored to align with the client’s branding, achieving a professional yet dynamic appearance. The rear window perf adds an additional layer of functionality, allowing for full visibility from inside the vehicle while prominently displaying the design from the outside.
*This project was completed during my tenure with Allegra Marmora.
Bluesman is a concept for a monthly magazine showcasing a different star in the world of blues music. This issue being Stevie Ray Vaughn.
A four poster series about racial inequalities in the justice system. This series was created over a 5 day workshop with Henk Van Assen.
"Close Encounter" is series of experimental presentations of an autobiographical narrative about a run-in with a bear and her cubs.
This is a set of letterforms that were hand drawn using black and white plaka then digitized. This began after a study of traditional Roman letterforms.